August 4, 2019

Use Golang to Upload Files to Azure Blob Storage

If you are enjoying Go and its community as much as myself but have been using the Azure Cloud Platform for some time already, you will probably want to use Azure Blob Storage at some point. In that case, this blog post is for you. You will need: The first thing you need to do is make sure you set up your blob storage account in Azure Portal and create a blob container. Read more

December 9, 2018

Hugo Blog on Azure

Summary I decided to give blogging a try. I setup the most cost-effective solution I could come up with; static-html hosting on cloud blob-storage. Initially I tried using Jekyll to generate my static pages, but due to the clunky tooling available (especially on Windows) I looked for other solutions. That is when I found Hugo. They have great documentation, modern CLI and great tooling, regardless of your OS preference. Since I already have a Microsoft Azure account, I decided to host my static files there. Read more

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