March 30, 2024

Tinkering With Ktor: Using HTML DSL for page templates

Photo by Pankaj Patel on Unsplash Summary There are a bunch of templating engines available for Ktor, each one with its own strengths and weaknesses. But, I don’t like that I have to add yet another engine to the runtime (especially when I plan to run React or Vue anyway) so why not try using a simple feature of Kotlin to build our html? Kotlin DSL (Domain Specific Language) capabilities, while having a steep learning curve if you never used them before can be used structures that closely mimic html. Read more

January 7, 2024

Tinkering With Ktor: Setting up a simple server with Docker

Summary After doing a few small projects on Android, I’ve come to enjoy Kotlin’s convenient syntax that strikes a beautiful balance between functional and imperative programming. After doing some research, it looks like Kotlin has been gaining popularity on the server-side as well and for good reasons, it’s so darn productive. I’ll be doing a small series of posts on how to use Ktor framework, for my own learning and hopefully for yours as well :) Read more

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